More than 100 cannabinoids have been identified within the cannabis plant. THC is most commonly associated with the plant, but of the minor cannabinoids – those found in relatively small amounts within cannabis flower – cannabichromene (CBC) is one of the most abundant.

At The Healing Rose, we use CBC in our popular Rest Oil and Vanilla Mint Salve. Through the entourage effect, when CBC works in concert with CBD and other minor cannabinoids, these formulations soothe, support restorative rest, and allow our customers to take advantage of the unique healing benefits of each minor cannabinoid.

But what makes CBC different? CBC has the unique ability to interact with receptors outside the endocannabinoid system. In this edition of The Hemp Handbook, we’ll explore what that means, and why it makes CBC powerful.

What is CBC?

CBC, is a non-psychoactive, naturally-occurring phytocannabinoid. Neutral cannabinoids we use in finished consumer goods begin as acid cannabinoids, which do not produce psychoactive effects and bind more weakly to the body’s endocannabinoid system. Neutral CBC can be isolated by heating and decarboxylating its precursor, cannabichromene acid (CBCA). 

Like other cannabinoids, CBC interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, and the way in which the chemical binds to receptors produces unique effects. Unlike THC or CBD, CBC binds weakly to CB1 receptors while primarily activating CB2 receptors

How will CBC make me feel?

The weak binding of CBC with CB1 receptors produces a unique entourage effect. While CBC is not psychoactive, and ingesting or applying CBC will not produce a high, users often report a more focused, less hazy high than usual when combined with THC. 

Research into the therapeutic effects of CBC and other cannabinoids is in its infancy. Some studies suggest, however, that there is another property unique to CBC that impacts user experience: CBC interacts with the body’s TRPA1 (transient receptor potential ankyrin 1) channels – sensors outside of the endocannabinoid system which signal for pain, itch, and other sensations. By interacting with broader body systems, CBC may affect responses to inflammation or pain in ways that differ from other cannabinoids.

In both cases, CBC can work synergistically to amplify and alter effects from other cannabinoids.

What is the difference between CBC and other cannabinoids?

Of the non-psychoactive phytocannabinoids, CBD has the broadest action spectrum. Like many minor cannabinoids such as CBN or CBG, CBC produces unique effects but on its own does not have the potency of CBD. CBC is unique in that it has the ability to interact with receptors outside the body’s endocannabinoid system, potentially amplifying effects on discomfort or mood.

Are certain strains of cannabis grown specifically for CBC?

While most cannabis strains are bred for terpenes or for potency of THC or CBD, there are several strains in which CBC is found in higher concentrations, including Three Kings, Purple Cadillac, and Valentine X.

What CBC products are on the market?

CBC tinctures and oils are increasingly popular. As with other isolates, CBC can also be found in creams, capsules, gummies, and vapes blended with other cannabinoids.

At The Healing Rose, we feature CBC in our fan-favorite Rest Oil. Paired with CBN and CBD, CBC helps our customers remain “relaxed and not feel discomfort” when they are preparing to sleep. 

The entourage effect brings into focus the benefits of diverse cannabinoids, from the possible sleep support of CBN to the broad anti-inflammatory potential of CBD. “An amazing, miraculous product,” one customer shared. “I started using it in a desperate attempt to stop my chronic insomnia… three months later and I’ve been sleeping deeply every night.”

CBC is one of the most exciting minor cannabinoids on the market today. Our lab experiments with new formulations for salves, tinctures, and more to bring our customers the latest benefits. Try our new Vanilla Mint Salve with CBC and CBG, made to soothe with organic ingredients.

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